Community Based Services

Provident Speech Pathology offers remote in-home services and online telehealth sessions in Rhode Island and Massachusetts

How can Speech Therapy Help?

Cognitive-communication therapy provides tools to strengthen your brain’s ability to think, learn, and remember. Conversational skills can be impacted by speech production issues (dysarthria), language impairments (aphasia), cognitive difficulties (memory, attention, reasoning)

Difficulties with swallowing and eating:

As a result of injury to the brain, the muscles and nerves of the face, mouth, throat, and respiratory system can impact a person’s safety and nutritional intake. Speech therapy also includes evaluation and treatment for swallowing and feeding disorders called Dysphagia. Symptoms such as coughing or throat-clearing with swallowing are indicators that there may be a problem with the musculature involved in swallowing. Reduced overall intake of food or liquids can also be a signal that an evaluation is warranted.

Community Reintegration:

After discharge from initial rehabilitation services, many people find they require additional services and support in order to return to full time work or school. People of are often told that they have “tested out” or “graduated” from speech services. Therapy is often discontinued once an individual has achieved basic skills necessary for safe and functional management of daily activities.

Provident Speech Pathology offers treatment during this critical transitional stage that is so vital to long term success in minimizing the impact of any remaining deficits following an injury to the brain. We provide community-based programs in the comfort of your home when transportation is an obstacle. We offer small group therapy for skill building in natural conversational context that promotes the maintenance and generalization of skills to real life settings.

We create an environment that is trauma-sensitive, empowering, and fosters resilience.

Group Sessions

Language / Conversational Speech

Social Communication

Complementary therapies

Mindfulness and meditation have many healing benefits for brain injury and have been shown to change the structure and function of the brain. Research has demonstrated the following therapeutic effects of mindfulness and meditation on individuals who have experienced injuries to the brain:

Improved Attention Skills

  • Augment memory

  • Enhance self-esteem and self regulation

  • Increase community integration

  • Reduces mental fatigue

  • Reduces stress

  • Boost strength and endurance

Our comprehensive services combine traditional therapy with education in brain-body wellness, mindfulness, self-evaluation and mindset coaching to maximize learning across life situations and tasks.

Services are accessible, affordable, and integrated for people across the acquired brain injury continuum, including post-concussion syndrome to severe and traumatic injuries.

Weekly support groups available for clients and their families where they can feel connected to a compassionate community and empowered by resources to live a brain-healthy lifestyle.

Individual Sessions

  • Education in the cognitive domains and their impact on daily activities

  • Restoring speech, language and cognitive functions with specific skills training

  • Evaluation and treatment for swallowing disorders

  • Compensatory strategy instruction

  • Collaborative goal setting

  • Family counseling and coaching


  • Skill-building sessions provided in the comfort of your home either virtually or in person. Typically 1-2 times per week depending on needs.

  • On-line or community based group therapy sessions that offer a naturalistic communication environment for practicing skills.